Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I have a tendency to overthink things (partly why I'm at least a couple weeks behind on this blog), and was trying to organize my entries in a logical order. I've decided that organization can come later, so I'm just going to start dumping stuff on here, including a couple pieces some may have already seen on Facebook that give a bit of an idea of my new "micro-neighborhood." These were all taken during my first week, as I was re-familiarizing myself with the town, finding all haunts that remained virtually the same, and some new changes.

This is a clip of the 7am ringing of the bell in Civita, from the main street in front of the "Ruderone" or big ruin (see the first post in this blog), that I did on one of my first mornings here. To the right is a series of shots of the morning light and full moon over the east end of town, showing the approach from the "back entrance" to the Civita Institute properties, where I shot the video.

Here's another clip of some cliff stabilization work being done just east of the Civita Institute properties, from the terrace just outside the Sala Grande where I'm doing most of my work. In between sessions of drilling into the cliff to anchor a wire and jute mesh fabric, I caught the workers singing a somewhat raunchy ditty. It's been interesting watching this work proceed, and I'll post more on it later.

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